Satellite Meetings
12-14 June, 2024
Valencia, Spain

The sixth iteration of the Magnificent CEvNS workshop focuses on the process of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS). Proposed in 1974, but unobserved until 2017, the physics accessible with CEvNS is extensive. Magnificent CEvNS aims to bring together a broad community of researchers working either directly or peripherally on CEvNS to foster enriching discussions, direct the field as it continues to grow, and form and strengthen connections between experimentalists and theorists/phenomenologists.
International Neutrino Summer School (INSS) 2024
3-14 June, 2024
DIFA-UNIBO, Bologna, Italy

For the past fourteen years, the International Neutrino Summer School has convened at locations around the world to provide training for the next generation of neutrino physicists in both theory and experiment. The school brings together graduate students and postdocs, along with some of the best teachers and researchers in neutrino physics, to create an intensive two-week-long learning experience in an open and interactive environment that covers the full range of modern neutrino physics.
NuSTEC 2024 summer school 2024
5-13 June, 2024
The goal of this school is to train the next generation of scientists working on neutrino–nucleus interactions through lectures given by world leaders in the field, discussion sessions, and tutorials. Lecture topics will include theoretical modeling of neutrino–nucleus interactions in various energy regimes, neutrino cross section measurements, Monte Carlo simulation, and physics at long-baseline neutrino experiments.
June 25 – July 19 2024
GGI, Arcetri (FI), Italy
Just after Neutrino 2024, the 4-week program Neutrino Frontiers will take place at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (GGI) in Arcetri, Italy.
The goal of Neutrino Frontiers program is to create a collaborative and brainstorming atmosphere around key open issues at the neutrino frontiers. Crossing
results from Earth experiments, astrophysics and cosmology will be a major tool to push forward progress on crucial open issues at the frontiers.
First, an International School on neutrinos will take place, from the 25th to the 28th of June. The school addresses PhD Students, postdocs and interested researchers.
The Focus Week (1st to the 5th of July) will be devoted to Neutrinos in cosmology, non-standard neutrino physics and neutrino anomalies.
The Topical workshop (8th-19th of July) will close the program, focussing on Astrophysical neutrinos at the frontiers.
INVISIBLES24 School and Workshop
June 24 - 28, 2024 and July 1 - 5, 2024
Bertinoro (BO) and Bologna Univ., Italy
The Invisibles24 School is primarily intended for PhD students. Since the number of participants is limited, applications from PhD students will be favored. Master’s students and young postdocs are nonetheless welcome to apply. Several tutorial sessions will be organized, where students will further discuss the topics covered in the lectures within an informal environment. This year’s topics center around hidden symmetries and hidden particles as well as ways to discover them plus transversal skills such as IPR, management, science communication and outreach.
The following Invisibles24 Workshop will cover the following topics: Hidden Symmetries and Particles, Visible and Hidden Asymmetries, Neutrinos, Dark Matter, Beyond the Standard Model and Cosmology.
The Invisibles24 events are organised within the HIDDeN and ASYMMETRY EU projects